Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the Paperscape development blog! We will keep you up-to-date with new Paperscape features, improvements, and general commentary on the map. Please feel free to leave us feedback, ideas or comments.

Enjoy using Paperscape!

8 thoughts on “Welcome to the blog!

  1. Love the blog, guys. If I were in the audience for your tool I’d give some more meaningful feedback 🙂 Damn impressive bit of software.

    You might want to chuck a CAPTCHA or some other hurdle to prevent spam like the above.

  2. Beautiful. A dumb question.
    I am novice with access to a CVS file or excel file with 1 to 10k data entries. The entries are like papers because they memorialize problem/solution. Do you of a non web based program that a novice could use to plug and play. It could help lower the learning curve in navigating administrative rules. Thank you.

  3. Hi! This is simply awesome! Thank you for putting this together.

    I was wondering, is there any way to visualize the physical geographic relation between the studies, for example grouping all of the studies being done in the US versus the studies being done in the UK or India? Adding a third dimension to the scape might be an interesting view (although I’m not sure if it would add any value to the intent of the site).

    Thanks again for the work, really brilliant representation of what is out there.

    1. To generate the Paperscape map we use the list of references from each article (and also the number of times each reference is mentioned in the text).
      With the arXiv the full source of each article is freely available to download, which allows us to scan each article and extract its references.
      If we could get our hands on the relevant reference information (or ideally the full source) of the papers in Pubmed or Medline we could do the same, but I think this would be difficult to arrange.

      1. Are there any new ideas about this?

        I love paperscape, and also would like to apply this great idea on PubMed, or maybe PubMed Central (4.8 Million full articles instead of 27.3 abstracts like in PubMed).

        What would be in your opinion the best point to start therefor?

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